My goal with this blog is to explore my individual ecological footprint and to generate ideas about curret world-wide problems caused by consumerism.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I'm having some problems with this Marketing Sustainability class.... I don't think that sustainability can be taught in a class - I think it's a way of life. You either care or you don't. It's impossible to persuade some people - those that answer to arguments with "I know, but I don't feel that way", even after being bombarded with facts.

I still don't think that change starts with individual consumers. Consumers can only shimmy towards change, but they will never drive it. I don't think that people care enough.

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, one needs to be able to meet basic needs before he/she can become "self-fulfilled". I think that, in our affluent society, people don't get to the point of self-actualization. Theoretically they should, but they are never satisfied with material possessions. They want more and more and more; what goes on in the rest of the world doesn't matter.

Our possessions seem to define the people that we are. Relationships, values, morals, etc. don't matter if you drive a Toyota Tercel and have a Motorola Razor. We're always looking for the next best thing, not realizing how blessed we are to have what we already have.

Appearance and how people perceive you is everything! We are so fricking shallow.....Why? Is it the fault of marketing? Possibly.....but I think it's a matter of being greedy and self-absorbed.

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