My goal with this blog is to explore my individual ecological footprint and to generate ideas about curret world-wide problems caused by consumerism.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

This video disturbs me:

What gives humans the rights to play with nature? Why do we think that we are "Gods"? Why do we feel like we're untouchable?

I don't understand how people can disrupt the natural cycle of the Earth, facilitate the extinction of hundreds of organisms each year, and think that their futures are bright. News flash, if bacteria, bees, frogs, birds, whales, apes, tigers, bears, etc. are dying, eventually we will too. Everything is intertwined.... we can't live forever if we continue to destroy nature. This ignorance frustrates me and gives me little hope for change.

1 comment:

  1. It is, in part, all mixed up in the metaphor we use to look at the earth. And religion (or a perverted interpretation of religion). Ugg. Ugly and thorny issue.
