Pollution, poverty, and corruption know no borders; these problems are wide spread and show no signs of vanishing. The funny thing is, as knowledge of these issues spreads, little changes. It seems as though people just get frustrated and start to protest....and when they do, still, not that many changes take place. But really, what's wrong? Why isn't it changing? The "masses" are struggling, but there's still demand for that $1 million DKNY Fragrance and other absurdly expensive and useless items. But what distinguishes those driving Lamborghini's from those wearing shoes made out of plastic bottles and rope? Why does such a class division exist in the first place? Shouldn't those who are well-off feel obliged to help the "less fortunate"? Isn't that like a moral responsibility? I don't understand how change can take place if the leaders of the future are growing up in mantions, oblivious to the hardships other kids their age face.
I'm such a pesimist/realist.....
My parents told me the other day that I should give other people more credit. They say that I'm not the only one who recognizes the need for change and I'm not the only one that wants it to happen. They have a point, but they're misunderstanding me, I guess. I do realize that people want change, but what I also realize is the fact that it's not possible to attain it for many people - for a variety of reasons. I guess what needs to happen is re-education of the people to think differently about their consumption and about their impact. However, there will always be dumbasses that don't want to change simply because they're comfortable where they are and don't see the need to alter anything!
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